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Dr. Bonnie N.K. Choy 蔡雅君醫生

Clinical Associate Professor of Practice 臨床副教授

Honorary Consultant (Ophthalmology), Queen Mary Hospital 瑪麗醫院名譽顧問醫生

Honorary Consultant (Ophthalmology), Grantham Hospital 葛量洪醫院名譽顧問醫生


MBBS (HK), FCOphthHK, FHKAM (Oph),

FRCS Oph (Edinburgh)

Phone 電話

(852) 2518 1430 / 3962 1405

Email 電郵

The HKU Scholars Hub 香港大學學術庫


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About Dr. Choy 關於蔡醫生

Dr Choy graduated from the University of Hong Kong with MBBS degree in 2006 and she joined HKU family in July 2013 as Clinical Assistant Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology to further her academic pursuit, where she can devote more time in researches. Since she joined the University, she has delivered more than 60 presentations in various regional and international conferences, including invited talks; and has published 45 articles in peer-reviewed international journals. She has obtained more than $3 million research funds as principal applicant to conduct researches and to enhance management of her patients. Some of the major achievements include the introduction of collagen crosslinking in treating cystic bleb leak and bullous keratopathy. We are the first and only institute in Hong Kong to apply such services. She has been supervisor for PhD, MPhil and MPH students. Apart from education to students and other healthcare professionals, she has also delivered various public talks and written book chapter and newspaper articles to improve public awareness to common ocular diseases. She is also the visiting consultant of Lifeline Express, and Honorary consultant for Hong Kong Glaucoma Patients’ Association. Many of her studies are collaboration with other units, and she welcomes collaboration from different professionals. Furthermore, Dr Choy has attached to overseas institutes including Seoul National University Hospital, Nottingham University Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital, to learn and exchange her research ideas with international experts.

蔡雅君醫生於2006年畢業於香港大學內外全科醫學士學位,她於2013年7月加入了香港大學家庭,擔任眼科學系臨床助理教授,投入更多時間進行學術研究。自加入香港大學以來,她在各國際會議上發表了60多學術報告,其中包括受邀演講,並在國際學術期刊上發表了45篇學術文章。她已獲得超過300萬研究經費進行學術研究,並改善對患者的治療。她同時也是博士和碩士學生的導師。 除了向學生和其他專業醫學人員提供教育外,她還發表了各種公開會談和書面章節和報紙文章,以提高公眾對常見眼睛疾病的認識。她也是健康快車的訪問顧問醫生。蔡醫生積極參與各種臨床和動物研究,她的研究興趣在青光眼,視神經保護,眼前節疾病和兒童近視控制。

Research Interests 研究興趣

  • Novel diagnostic tool and treatment in glaucoma;

  • Neuroprotection in particular in relation to life-style modification

  • Anterior segment diseases

  • Myopia control in children

  • Development of patient-centred care

  • Use of information technology (internet and mobile app) to foster patient care

Publications 學術期刊

(*Corresponding Authors 通訊作者)

  1. Fung BK, Chan KY, Lam LY, Cheung SY, Choy BNK, Chu KW, Chung LY, Liu WW, Tai KC, Yung SY, Yip SL. Study of wrist posture, loading and repetitive motion as risk factors for developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Hand Surg. 2007;12(1):13-8

  2. Choy BNK, Tang EWH, Lai JSM. A case series contact lens-associated Fusarium keratitis in Hong Kong. Cornea. 2009:955 (Impact factor: 2.215, ranking #25 in Ophthalmology)

  3. Lai JSM, Choy BNK, Gangwani R. Choroidal effusion following post-trabeculectomy bleb massage. Hong Kong Journal of Ophthalmology. 2011;15 (2): 71-72 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  4. Wong MO, Lee JW, Choy BN, Chan JC, Lai JS. Systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of selective laser trabeculoplasty in open-angle glaucoma. Surv Ophthalmol. 2015 Jan-Feb;60(1):36-50. (Impact factor: 4.195, ranking #6 in Ophthalmology)

  5. Choy BNK*, Chiu K, Shum JWH, Ji J, Liu AW, Liu W, Lai JSM. Intraocular pressure elevation in the contralateral untreated eye following selective laser trabeculoplasty in rabbit eyes. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2015;6:477. doi:10.4172/2155-9570.1000477 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  6. Choy BNK*, Chien CPY, Lai JSM, Chan JCH. Glaucoma Drainage Device Tube Retraction and Blockage in a Patient with Iridocorneal Endothelial Syndrome Treated With Nd:YAG Membranectomy. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2015;6:489. doi:10.4172/2155-9570.1000489 (by invitation) (no impact factor/ ranking)

  7. Chan JYY, Choy BNK, Ng ALK, Shum JWH. Review on the Management of Primary Congenital Glaucoma. J Curr Glaucoma Pract 2015;9(3):92-99 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  8. Choy BNK*, Zhu MM, Shum JWH, Ho WL, Chan JCH, Ng ALK, JSM Lai. Collagen Crosslinking in the management of leaking cystic bleb: A prospective study. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2016 Mar;254(3):529-33. doi: 10.1007/s00417-015-3245-2. (Impact factor: 2.369, ranking #23 in Ophthalmology)

  9. Lai JSM, Choy BNK, Shum JWH. Management of primary angle closure glaucoma. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2016 Jan-Feb;5(1):59-62. doi: 10.1097/APO.0000000000000180. (no impact factor/ ranking)

  10. Choy BN*, Nga AL, Shum JW, Fan MC, Lai JS. A Case Report: Anti-Psychotic Agents Related Ocular Toxicity. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Apr;95(15):e3360. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000003360. (Impact factor: 1.552, ranking #23 in Medicine)

  11. Chiea Chuen Khor, Tan Do, Hongyan Jia et al. Genome-wide association study identifies five new susceptibility loci for primary angle closure glaucoma. Nature Genetics 2016: 48, 556–562. doi:10.1038/ng.3540 (Impact factor: 27.603, ranking #23 in Genetics and Heredity)

  12. Choy BNK*, Chan JCH, Chien CPY, Lai JSM. Recurrent acute angle-closure attack due to plateau iris syndrome after cataract extraction with or without argon laser peripheral iridoplasty: a case report. BMC Ophthalmology 2016 16:64. DOI 10.1186/s12886-016-0244-y (Impact factor: 1.413, ranking #42 in Ophthalmology)

  13. Lai JS, Choy BN,Shum JW. Author's Reply. Asia Pac J Ophthalmol (Phila). 2016 May;5(3):223. doi: 10.1097/APO.0000000000000207 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  14. Mak AKH, Shum JWH, Choy BNK, Ng LK, Lai SM. Suprachoroidal haemorrhage with delayed rebledding as the first presentation of bullous pemphigoid associated acquired haemophilia. J Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2016 June; 7:565. Doi:10.4172/2155-9570.1000565 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  15. Shum JW, Choy BN, Ho WL, Chan JC, Lai JS. Consensual ophthalmotonic reaction in Chinese patients following augmented trabeculectomy or ExPRESS shunt implantation. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Jul;95(29):e4190. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000004190. (Impact factor: 1.552, ranking #23 in Medicine)

  16. Mak RK, Chan TC, Marcet MM, Choy BN, Shum JW, Shih KC, Wong IY, Ng AL. Use of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor in the management of pterygium. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016 Jul 30. doi: 10.1111/aos.13178. (Impact factor: 3.362, ranking #11 in Ophthalmology)

  17. Choy BNK*, Wong MOM, Chan JCH, Lai CHY, Lai JSM. ExPRESS Mini-Shunt as a Treatment Alternative for Medically Uncontrolled Steroid-Induced Glaucoma in a Pediatric Patient. Case Rep Ophthalmol 2016;7:270–276. DOI:10.1159/00045339 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  18. Choy BN*, Ng AL, Lai JS. Clinical characteristics of optic neuritis in Hong Kong population: 10-year review. Int Ophthalmol. 2018 Apr;38(2):557-564. doi: 10.1007 (Impact factor: 1.314, ranking #49 in Ophthalmology)

  19. Ng ALK, Choy BNK, Chan TCY, Wong IYH, Lai JS, Mok MY. Comparison of Tear Osmolarity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With and Without Secondary Sjogren Syndrome. Cornea. 2017 Jul;36(7):805-809. doi: 10.1097 (Impact factor: 2.215, ranking #25 in Ophthalmology)

  20. Chow LLW, Ng ALK, Chow SSW, Choy BNK, Shih KC, Wong IYH, Chan JCY, Lai JSM. A cross-sectional comparative study on chronic ocularmanifestations of Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis in Chinese eyes: a 15-year case series. Int Ophthalmol. 2017 May 25. doi: 10.1007/s10792-017-0576-5. Impact factor: 1.314, ranking #49 in Ophthalmology)

  21. Shum JWH, Choy BNK, Chan JCH, Ho WL, Jiang BY, Choi WK, Cheung VYT, Lai JSM. Visual Field Compromised In Patients Suffering From Severe Menorrhagia. J Ophthalmol Open Access 2017;1: 1-7. (Impact factor: 1.447, ranking #41 in Ophthalmology)

  22. Chan MH, Choy BNK*, Lai JSM. Effects of riboflavin and ultraviolet illumination on the biomechanical properties of conjunctiva Ophthalmic Res. 2017 Aug 17. doi: 10.1159/000478051. (Impact factor: 1.961, ranking #31 in Ophthalmology)

  23. Chan JCW, #Choy BNK, Chan OCC, Li KKW. Early intraocular pressure change after Peripheral Iridotomy with Ultralow Fluence Pattern Scanning Laser and Nd:YAG Laser in Primary Angle-closure Suspect: Kowloon East Pattern Scanning Laser Report No.3. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2017 Dec 7. doi: 10.1007/s00417-017-3860-1 – #co-first author (Impact factor: 2.369, ranking #23 in Ophthalmology)

  24. Tong JMK, Fan MCY, Choy BNK, Li KKW. Topical Lidocaine Gel in Pan-retinal Photocoagulation by Pattern Scanning Laser (Kowloon East Pattern Scanning Laser Report No. 2). Ophthalmology Retina, Volume 2, Issue 4, 379 – 380. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2017.08.011 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  25. Shum JS, Lam WW, Choy BN, Chan JC, Ho WL, Lai JS. Development and pilot-testing of Patient Decision Aid for use among Chinese primary open angle glaucoma patients. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2017 Dec 14;2(1):e000100. doi: 10.1136/bmjophth-2017-000100 (impact factor:3.611, ranking #9 in Ophthalmology)

  26. Choy BNK*. Comparison of surgical outcome of trabeculectomy and phacotrabeculectomy in Chinese glaucoma patient. Int J Ophthalmol. 2017 Dec 18;10(12):1928-1930. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2017.12.23 (Impact factor: 1.330, ranking #23 in Ophthalmology)

  27. Zhu MM, Lai JS, Choy BNK*, Shum JWH, Lo ACY, Ng ALK, Chan JCH, So KF.  Physical exercise and glaucoma: a review on the roles of physical exercise on intraocular pressure control, ocular blood flow regulation, neuroprotection and glaucoma-related mental health. Acta Ophthalmol. 2018 Sep;96(6):e676-e691. doi: 10.1111/aos.13661 (Impact factor: 3.362, ranking #11 in Ophthalmology)

  28. Choy BN, Lai JS, Yeung JC, Chan JC. Randomized Comparative Trial of Diode Laser Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation versus Ahmed Glaucoma Valve for Neovascular Glaucoma in Chinese – A Pilot Study. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2018:12:2045-2552. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S188999 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  29. Cai Y, Choy BN*, Zhu MM, Li BB, Chan JC, Ho WL, Lai JS. Efficacy and safety of crosslinking on leaking cystic bleb: a prospective study. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2019 Apr 24. doi: 10.1111/ceo.13520 (Impact factor: 2.832, ranking #15 in Ophthalmology)

  30. Choy BN, Pang JC, Zhu MM, Ng AL, Chan JC, Chiu PK, Kwan JS, Lai JS. Factors associated with poor eye drop administration technique and the role of patient education among Hong Kong elderly population. J Ophthalmol. 2019 Mar 26. doi:10.1155/2019/5962065 (Impact factor: 1.447, ranking #41 in Ophthalmology)

  31. Shum JW, Choy BN, Chan JC, Ho WL, Lai JS. EX-PRESS shunt implantation in Chinese glaucoma patients: 1-year results. HKJOphthalmol Vol.23 No.1 | DOI: 10.12809/hkjo-v23n1-231 (no impact factor/ ranking)

  32. Choy BNK, Zhu MM, Chan JC. Bilateral segmental accessory iris membrane with narrow anterior chamber angle: Ophthalmic image. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2019 Oct;67(10):1727. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_68_19. (Impact factor: 1.250, ranking #52 in Ophthalmology)

  33. Cheung JJC, Chang DL, Chan JC, Choy BNK, Shih KC, Wong JKW, Ng ALK, Shum JWH, Ni MY, Lai JSM, Leung GM, Wong IYH. Exophthalmometry values in the Hong Kong Chinese adult population from a population-based study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Nov;98(47):e17993. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000017993. (Impact factor: 1.552, ranking #23 in Medicine)

  34. Hansapinyo L, Choy BNK, Lai JSM, Tham CC. Phacoemulsification Versus Phacotrabeculectomy in Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma With Cataract: Long-Term Clinical Outcomes. J Glaucoma. 2020 Jan;29(1):15-23. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001397. (Impact factor: 1.992, ranking #30 in Ophthalmology)

  35. You Q, Chan JC, Ng AL, Choy BN, Shih KC, Cheung JJ, Wong JK, Shum JW, Ni M, Lai JS, Leung GM, Wong IY. Macular vessel density measured with optical coherence tomography angiography and its associations in a large-scale population-based study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2019 Nov 1;60(14):4830-4837. doi: 10.1167/iovs.19-28137. (Impact factor: 3.470, ranking #10 in Ophthalmology)

  36. Choy BNK, You Q, Zhu MM, Lai JSM, Ng ALK, Wong IYH. Prevalence and associations of myopia in Hong Kong primary school students. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2020 Mar 16. doi: 10.1007/s10384-020-00733-4. (Impact factor: 1.725, ranking #36 in Ophthalmology)

  37. You QS, Choy BNK, Chan JCH, Ng ALK, Shih KC, Cheung JJC, Wong JKW, Shum JWH, Ni MY, Lai JS, Leung GM, Wong TY, Wong IYH. Prevalence and Causes of Visual Impairment and Blindness among Adult Chinese in Hong Kong - The Hong Kong Eye Study. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2020 Apr 20:1-10. doi: 10.1080/09286586.2020.1755444. (Impact factor: 1.500, ranking #39 in Ophthalmology)

  38. Choy BNK*, Ng ALK, Zhu MM, Liu CC, Xu S, Lai JSM. Randomized control trial on the effectiveness of collagen crosslinking on bullous keratopathy. Cornea 2020;39:1341–1347 (Impact factor: 2.215, ranking #25 in Ophthalmology)

  39. Wong PWF, Lau JKP, Choy BNK, Shih KC, NgALK, Chan JCH, Wong IYH. Epidemiological factors associated with health knowledge of three common eye diseases: a community-based pilot survey in Hong Kong. SAGE Open Med. 2020 Jul 20;8:2050312120943044. doi: 10.1177/2050312120943044. eCollection 2020 (Impact factor: 0.705, ranking #10 in Social science)

  40. Chan HHL, Yu WY, Choi KY, Chan JC, Choy BN, Ng AL. Changes of refractive errors in children with different initial predicted myopia progression rates after 6-month 0.01% atropine treatment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. June 2020, Vol.61, 562. (Impact factor: 3.470, ranking #10 in Ophthalmology)

  41. Tan Q, Ng ALK, Choy BNK, Cheng GPM, Woo VCP, Cho P. One-year results of 0.01% Atropine with Orthokeratology (AOK) study: A randomised clinical trial. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2020 Sep;40(5):557-566. doi: 10.1111/opo.12722. Epub 2020 Aug 10. PMID: 32776533. (Impact factor: 2.624, ranking #18 in Ophthalmology)

  42. Wong PW, Lau JK, Choy BN, Shih KC, Ng AL, Wong IY, Chan JC. Sociodemographic, behavioral, and medical risk factors associated with visual impairment among older adults: a community-based pilot survey in Southern District of Hong Kong. BMC Ophthalmol. 2020 Sep 18;20(1):372. doi: 10.1186/s12886-020-01644-1. PMID: 32948134; PMCID: PMC7501719. (Impact factor: 1.413, ranking #42 in Ophthalmology)

  43. Hansapinyo L, Choy BNK, Lai JSM, Tham CC. Responses to: Phacoemulsification Versus Phacotrabeculectomy in Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma With Cataract: Long-term Clinical Outcomes. J Glaucoma. 2021 Jan 1;30(1):e23-e24. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000001686. PMID: 33003114. (Impact factor: 1.992, ranking #30 in Ophthalmology)

  44. Zheng X, Choy BNK, Zhou M, Shi C, Zhao Z. Lacrimal Sac Bacteriology and Susceptibility Pattern in Infants with Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in the 1st Year of Life. BMC Pediatr. 2020 Oct 6;20(1):465. doi: 10.1186/s12887-020-02358-5. (Impact factor: 1.909, ranking #54 in Pediatrics)

  45. Choy BN*, Pang JC, Zhu MM, Ng AL, Chan JC, Chiu PK, Kwan JS, Lai JS. Association between functional status and ocular surface disease among local elderly population in Hong Kong. (accepted by Seminars in Ophthalmology) (Impact factor: 1.205, ranking #49 in Pediatrics)

Instruction Course (as Instructor) 指導課程(作為講師)

  1. Selective laser trabeculoplasty: Before and After. World Glaucoma Congress 2015, Hong Kong

  2. Advances in the use of collagen crosslinking. 6th Global Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting 2016 in Osaka, Japan

  3. How to assess glaucoma progression? -- For residents and general ophthalmologists. 6th Global Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting 2016 in Osaka, Japan

  4. Everything you need to know about selective laser trabeculoplasty in Chinese. 6th Global Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting 2016 in Osaka, Japan 5/2016

  5. FMSHK Certificate Course in Ophthalmology (Red eye, ocular trauma and emergency) 9/2020

  6. FMSHK Certificate Course in Ophthalmology (Cornea and external eye disease) 3/2021

Grant/Fund 資助

  1. Food and Health Bureau Health and Medical Research Fund 2015/16

    • RCT on the effectiveness of collagen crosslinking on bullous keratopathy ($890,840)

  2. The University of Hong Kong Seed Funding for Basic Research 2014/15

    • Effect of collagen crosslinking of cystic bleb ($240,000)

  3. The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine Matching Funding 2014/15

  4. URC/CRCG - Conference Support for Teaching Staff 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17

  5. Dr Timothy Kai-Ching Liu Memorial Fund 2015/16 ($10,000)

  6. The University of Hong Kong Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research 2016/17

    • The neuro-protective effects of physical exercise on retinal ganglion cells in a rat model of acute intraocular pressure elevation ($34,490)

  7. The University of Hong Kong Seed Funding for resubmission of GRF proposal 2017/18

    • RCT on the effects of physical exercise on ocular perfusion on subjects with normal tension glaucoma and normal subjects ($38,758)

  8. The University of Hong Kong Seed Funding for Basic Research 2016/17 (co-investigator)

    • Trabeculectomy with EX-PRESS and ologen implants and Mitomycin-C in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension – A Pilot Study ($148,320)

  9. KE Impact Project Funding 2015/16 (co-investigator)

    • Developing a patient decision aid for glaucoma patients (HK$84,990)

  10. KE Impact Project Funding 2015/16 (co-investigator)

    • Well prepared is half done – preparing the patient for an ophthalmological consultation (HK$82,560)

  11. SK Yee Medical Foundation 2017/18

    • Treatment of Ocular Surface Disease in Glaucoma Subjects with topical cyclosporine eye drop ($427,140)

  12. SK Yee Medical Foundation 2017/18

    • Use of Fibirn Glue for Pterygium surgery ($324,000)



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