The Department of Ophthalmology was officially named in August 2012. With this transformation, continuous financial support is essential for the operation and development of academic programmes, research projects, clinical services as well as community services.
With your generous donations, the overall running of the Department and/or specific projects will be supported by your contribution. You are also welcome to offer scholarships for our students pursuing academic programmes.
Ways of Giving
To make a direct donation, please EITHER
Send to the following address a cheque made payable to
"The University of Hong Kong” :
Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong
Level 7, Marina 8, No. 8 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Donate online at:
(*Please select “Other Departments / Units” )
(*Receipts will be issued for donation of HK$100 or above for tax-deduction purpose.)
Thank you in advance for your kind support which will enable us to continue our mission of achieving excellence in teaching, research, clinical and community services, which will contribute to the advancement of our society.