Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kwok Charity
Cataract Surgery and Research Programme
Programme Introduction 計劃簡介
Cataract is a leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in Hong Kong. The waiting time for new case appointment booking for specialist outpatient services in ophthalmology in the Hospital Authority was up to 219 weeks (1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023 – 90th percentile). Patients diagnosed with cataract typically encounter an average waiting period of another one to two years for their surgery. With a generous donation from TPK Kwok Family Charitable Fund, HKUMed Department of Ophthalmology launches the Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kwok Charity Cataract Surgery and Research Programme (the Programme), with a goal to provide free comprehensive eye examination to over 1000 underprivileged Hong Kong residents, and free cataract surgery and pre- and post-operative ophthalmic consultation to over 500 patients at the HKU Eye Centre (7/F, Marina 8, Wong Chuk Hang). 250 patients will be selected from those with the most extended cataract surgery wait time currently on list in the teaching hospitals of HKU – Grantham Hospital and Queen Mary Hospital under the Hospital Authority. Expenses associated with the cataract surgery, encompassing diagnostic tests and prescribed medications, will be fully covered at no cost to the patients.
白內障是香港致盲和視力受損的主要原因。現時醫院管理局的眼科門診非緊急新症輪候時間,最長需要219星期(2022年10月01日至2023年09月30日 – 90百分值數)。被診斷為白內障的患者通常需要額外等待超過一至兩年才能接受白內障手術。在郭炳江及家人慈善基金的慷慨捐助下,港大醫學院眼科學系推出郭炳江先生夫人慈善白內障手術及研究計劃,旨在為逾1000名香港弱勢居民提供免費專業眼科檢查及逾500名患者於香港大學眼科中心(黃竹坑Marina 8大廈7樓)免費提供白內障手術以及手術前後的眼科諮詢及覆診服務(包括診斷檢查和處方藥物)。其中250名為港大醫學院教學醫院,葛量洪醫院及瑪麗醫院等待白內障手術時間最長的醫管局患者。

Feature of Programme 計劃特色
Cataract surgery with premium intraocular lenses
All patients participating in the Programme will receive advanced ophthalmic investigations including optical coherence tomography (OCT) for a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of the cornea, anterior chamber angle, macula, and optic disc for detection of eye diseases including glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration, in addition to cataract. Eligible patients will undergo unilateral cataract surgery with the implantation of a premium intraocular lens (IOL), including (1) trifocal IOL (providing clear vision at three distinct distances: near, intermediate, and far), (2) extended depth of focus IOL (providing clear vision over a continuous range of distance and intermediate vision), and (3) next-generation monofocal IOL with an extended depth of focus. All premium IOL models used in the Programme have been globally adopted and obtained approval from major regulatory bodies, including the US Food and Drug Administration. A subset of patients will be invited to participate in a research study and receive cataract surgery for both eyes. The study will compare the visual outcomes of implanting trifocal IOLs in both eyes versus implanting next-generation monofocal IOLs with monovision, using virtual reality simulation that mimics everyday activities to provide a realistic assessment of visual performance after the surgery. The intraocular lenses are in part provided by Johnson and Johnson Vision.
患者將接受先進的眼科檢查,包括以光學相干斷層掃描(OCT)對角膜、前房角、黃斑和視神經盤進行高解像度的評估,以及檢測除白內障以外的眼部疾病,包括青光眼和老年黃斑退化。合資格的患者將接受單眼白內障手術,並植入具有長景深的新一代高質人工晶體(IOL), 包括 (1)三焦點人工晶體(在近距離、中距離和遠距離均能提供清晰視覺)、(2)擴展景深人工晶體(在遠距離和中距離提供清晰視覺)和 (3)長景深單焦點人工晶體。計劃中使用的所有高質人工晶體型號已在全球廣泛使用,並獲得主要監管機構包括美國食品及藥物管理局的批准。部分患者將獲邀請參與研究計劃,並接受雙眼白內障手術。該研究將比較在雙眼植入三焦點人工晶體與植入具有長景深單焦點人工晶體後的視覺結果,使用日常活動的虛擬實景模擬,以提供對手術後視覺表現的評估。部分人工晶體由強生公司(Johnson and Johnson Vision) 提供。
Eligibility Assessment by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council
The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council is conducting an eligibility assessment for individuals who meet the following criteria:
Economically disadvantaged individuals, including recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance or other forms of living welfare allowances.
Patients who have been waiting for ophthalmic services at public healthcare sectors for more than one year, or individuals who have not yet received any treatment. Priority will be given to those with deteriorating conditions.
The eligibility of individuals will be carefully reviewed and assessed by the social workers of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council.
Enquiry Hotline: 8209 8122. (Office hours are from 9am to 5pm on Monday to Friday)
查詢及申請熱線電話:8209 8122(辦公時間為星期一至五,上午9時至下午5時)