Past Events
HKU Ophthalmology delegated 24 representatives to participate in the international annual meeting of ophthalmology in USA

The Department of Ophthalmology (The Department) has been participating in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) from 5 May to 9 May 2024 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Twenty-four delegations from the Department, including four Professors, five research staff, one clinical staff and fourteen postgraduate and medical students, are exchanging knowledge with industry thought-leaders on how vision research is continually being transformed by new information and technologies.
During the meeting, Professor Christopher Leung Kai-shun, Chairperson and Clinical Professor of the Department, is recognized and honored as Silver Fellow of the ARVO Fellows 2024. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Li Qinyu, a PhD student of the Department, for being awarded the ARVO Foundation Travel Grant.
Here are some highlights of the Department’s presenters in the Paper Session and Poster Session at the 2024 Annual Meeting:
Professor Christopher Leung Kai-shun, Chairperson and Clinical Professor:
Paper Session – Applying Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) Optical Texture Analysis (ROTA) for Detecting Glaucoma Progression;
Moderators of Paper Session – structure and function of the optic nerve and posterior segment
Professor Kendrick Co Shih, Associate Professor:
Poster Session – B0551: Deep Learning Automated Diagnosis and Grading of Cataracts using Colour Fundus Images: The Fundus Cataract-AI Project
Professor Joseph Chan Yau-kei, Assistant Professor:
Poster Session – B0650: Augmented reality (AR)-based health promotion workshop for effective teaching on visual symptoms of various eye diseases
Dr. Alexander Lam Ka-ngai, Research Officer:
Poster Session – A0269: Effect of vessel-related parameters on retinal blood flow measurement using Doppler OCT
Dr. Tracy Ho Yin-chiu, Research Officer:
Poster Session – A0495: Inhibition of Microglial P2X4 Receptor Attenuates Neuroinflammation and Enhances Photoreceptor Survival in Retinal Degeneration
Dr. Heather Mak Kayew, Research Officer:
Poster Session – A0408: A reliable method to culture human retinal ganglion cells for live-cell imaging
Dr. Wang Yipin, Research Assistant:
Poster Session – A0314: Effect of Prophylactic Rapamycin Treatment for Prevention of Retinal Function Decrease in a Mouse Model of Early Diabetic Retinopathy
Ms. Chen Ying, PhD Student:
Poster Session – B0568: New insight of residual Perfluorocarbon Liquid removal in vitreoretinal surgery
Mr. Phillip Guo Yawen, PhD Student:
Poster Session – A0235: Advancing Fundus-Based Retinal Representations Through Multi-Modal Contrastive Pre-training for Detection of Glaucoma-Related Diseases
Mr. Li Qinyu, PhD student:
Poster Session – B0248: The dynamic responses of in vitro primary retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) induced by pulsatile pressure stimuli
Ms. Wang Jiajing, PhD student:
Poster Session – B0629: Live cell detection of ATP and mitochondrial H2O2 dynamics in primary retinal ganglion cells
Ms. Ye Xiaoyuan, PhD student:
Poster Session – B0444: Oral Supplementation of Lutein-in-extra-virgin-olive-oil Improved Retinal Function in Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy Mouse Model
Mr. Akira Tang Ho-yin, PhD student:
Poster Session – A0449: Spatial correspondence between choroidal microvascular dropout (CMvD) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) defect on RNFL optical texture analysis (ROTA)
Ms. Jennifer Tsui Kit-sum, PhD Student:
Poster Session – A0455: Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Optical Texture Analysis – Patterns of RNFL defects in Advanced Glaucoma
Mr. Chinmoy Saha, Mphil student:
Poster Session – B0446: AI-assisted Assessment of Ageing and IOP Levels on Looming Response of Aged Glaucomatous Mice
Ms. Jane Ho, MBBS student:
Paper Session – Comparison of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) optical texture analysis (ROTA) versus RNFL thickness analysis for measurement of retinal nerve fiber layer defects in early glaucoma
Ms. Carmen Lo Sze-ching, MBBS student:
Poster Session – B0506: Evaluation of the Pattern of Progressive Axonal Fibre Bundle Loss in Advanced Glaucoma with Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Optical Texture Analysis (ROTA)
ARVO is the largest community of eye and vision researchers in the world, with more than 10,000 members from more than 75 countries. The association advances research worldwide into understanding the visual system and preventing, treating and curing its disorders.
本學系參與了於2024年5月5日至9日在美國華盛頓州西雅圖舉行的視覺和眼科研究協會(The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, ARVO)年度會議,並派出了24位代表,包括4位教授、5位研究人員、1位臨床人員和14位研究生及醫學生,與行業中的思想領袖交流知識,討論視覺研究如何不斷受新資訊和技術改變。在會議期間,本學系系主任及臨床教授梁啟信教授獲選為ARVO Fellows 2024 - Silver Fellow。此外,我們同時祝賀本學系博士生李欽宇先生獲得ARVO基金會旅行獎助金。